A Review of 35 Years of Logging in Oregon Through NDVI Classification

December 22, 2020 Independent Projects

Determine what percentage of different logging landcover types are present in the Area of Interest (AOI) for each of the target years.

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Using XGboost to Predict COVID Cases and Determine Key Policies

November 04, 2020 Independent Projects

Using modelling and some data analysis to see the impact that UK policies have had on future COVID rates.

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Volcanic Eruption Prediction

October 21, 2020 (in Progress) Kaggle

Kaggle Competition: Volcanic Eruption Prediction, National Institute of Geophysics and and Volcanology

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Agent Based Modelling in Python

October 13, 2020 Independent Projects

These are a couple of Agent Based Models that I developed last year to try and simulate real world scenarios.

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An App That Uses Machine Learning to Predict Suitable Habitats

October 9, 2020 Independent Projects

This is an App that automatically creates A habitat suitability model HSMs for any plant or animal in the world through machine learning.

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Tableau Web Dashboard of International Projects

October 9, 2020 Other

A Tableau Web dashboard I made while working as a Research Assistant for the University of Leeds

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Image Classification with A CNN (Tensorflow)

October 8, 2020 Independent Projects

Running a CNN in Tensorflow to create an image classifier of Cats and Dogs with 82% Accuracy

View my Code Here

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LeetCode #70 Climbing Stairs

October 8, 2020 Coding

My Solution and Learning process witth Leetcode problem #70

View my Leet Code Here

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LeetCode #53 Maximum Subarray

October 7, 2020 Coding

My Solution and Learning process witth Leetcode problem #53

View my Leet Code Here

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Bright Spot Analysis (Bayesian Hierarchical Modelling)

October 1, 2020 Independent Projects

My MSc. Dissertation using BHM and a new dataset to uncover successful coral Reefs

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How I Made This Website

October 1, 2020 Learning

A brief description of how I created this blog to help me share my work.

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